La Période Molle
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Publication date : 2024/10/01
Weight 1010 g / Dimensions 13.2 x 18 cm / 1000 pages
ISBN 9783907179772
Density of foliage, branching of the tree, structure of the bark: this book is all about organic, wild greenery, mostly in black and white, but patterns emerge, leaves become frenetic and grimacing thickets smile at us. The volume is deliberately imposing, and it’s impossible to get an overview. This thick paperback is an indomitable, overflowing, sprawling herbarium.
Ingo Giezendanner (b. 1975, Zurich), aka GRRRR, a member of the Kroesos Foundation collective, is known for his installations, murals and drawings (published in numerous magazines, books and used in cartoons). Since 1998, Giezendanner has been documenting with ink on paper the urban environment of the places where he has traveled and lived, from Zurich to New York or New Orleans, via Cairo, Nairobi, Karachi or Colombo.