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Publication date : 2020/01/01
Weight 1200 g / Dimensions 25 x 28 cm / 384 pages / text in English
ISBN 9789490119812
‘American Origami’ is the result of six years of photographic research, and results in a statement of over 700 photographs which closely examines the epidemic of mass shootings in American schools, weaving together first-person interviews, forensic documents, and original photographs. The book takes the reader through a visual journey of shared grief, to illuminate moments of beauty and bring forward moral questions embedded in acts of collective healing. The book is bound in a unique way, and creates a parallel world of the past and the present, showing the silenced landscape interwoven with the personal artifacts created by those left behind.
Revue Faire Volume 09 (n° 31, 32, 33, 34) – Regarder le graphisme
Sleeping by the Mississippi
Dora Koderhold