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Publication date : 2024/02/29
Box of two books
Dimensions 21 x 29.7 cm / 218 pages
ISBN 9782958535315
Parallel lives of Bertrand Mandico and Pacôme Thiellement.
This four-handed book, conceived as the montage of a silent film offered to the mind of the spectator-reader, makes Pacôme Thiellement’s fragments (poems, diaries, dreams, Facebook comments…) and Bertrand Mandico’s collages resonate and collide. Two of the most creative and inspiring minds of our time combine and telescope, the right brain and the left brain seeding and fertilising each other for a most exciting chymical wedding!
Two scrapbooks reflecting each other:
Permissive films (Il ne suffit pas de regarder pour voir) by Bertrand Mandico
Des Fleurs pour Frankenstein by Pacôme Thiellement