Wild Animals
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Publication date : 2022/05/01
Weight 323g / Dimensions 13 x 20 cm / 216 pages / english
ISBN 9789083165882
Flipping the Bird is the narrative visual report, a photo novel actually, of a long and intensive walk in the dunes, in which the artist tries to reconnect with nature. During this walk Jaap Scheeren slowly falls in love with the landscape, the flora and the fauna and he thinks that this love is mutual. A special, surreal, humorous and confrontational dialogue is created between people, flora and fauna. At the climax the mutual love turns out to be an illusion and the main character has to choose a path. The story is set in the dunes in connection with the continuous threat of the sea to our humble country. Human actions and the choices we make now and in the future are of great importance in this regard.