Images à la Sauvette
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Publication date : 2013/03/02
Weight 262 g / Dimensions 13.7 x 18.7 cm / 122 pages / text in French
ISBN 9782851072665
Text by Antonin Artaud.
Translated by Ratna Cartier-Bresson.
Commented by Béryl de Zoete.
This revised edition of a book first published in 1954 offers Henri Cartier-Bresson’s vision of sacred dancing, taken while Bali was still essentially preserved from tourism.
Through these exceptionally powerful images, the photographer offers us a chance to become immersed in Balinese theatre’s spectacle and realize the importance of the dances that are at the heart of the culture’s popular and religious traditions.
The photographs are introduced with Antonin Artaud’s text Balinese Theatre, and are accompanied by comments drawn from Beryl de Zoete’s books: both writers have become legendary figures.
Images à la Sauvette
Henri Cartier-Bresson and Italy
Henri Cartier-Bresson Scrapbook
Des images et des mots