The Illusion of an Everlasting Summer
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Publication date : 2023/06/01
Poids 1322 g / Dimensions 32 x 30 cm / 96 pages
ISBN 9781915743169
Alessandra Sanguinetti’s On the Sixth Day offers us a glimpse of life on a small Argentine farm from the perspective of its animals. Often photographed close to the earth, the images render the courage, struggles, and adventures of chickens, pigs, horses, and cows. We see them newly born, at play, vying with each other for food, their fate always uncertain as human presences inevitably loom above. With their rich, almost surreal colour, these photographs evoke traditional fables or classic children’s books in which animals enact human behaviours to teach moral lessons. Yet Sanguinetti portrays these animals as individuals in their own right, each with their own mysterious spirit, relating their lives from birth to death with an unsentimental and direct gaze.
The Illusion of an Everlasting Summer
Some say ice
Spell, Time, Practice, American, Body
Girl Plays with Snake