Aperture Magazine N° 245. Latinx
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Publication date : 2017/09/01
Weight 300 g / Dimensions 21 x 28 cm / 102 pages / en
ISBN 9783959051705
What happens when photographers and artists incorporate hobbies into their work as a means of challenging established practices and hierarchies? How do hobbyists represent their passions photographically, not least today in our era of digital communication?
The Hobbyist is the first major exhibition to explore the relationship between photography and hobby culture, in connection both to the photographing of hobbies and to photography as a hobby. From the hippy cultures and avant-garde tendencies of the 1960s’ through the 1980s’ DIY movement to today’s maker movement, The Hobbyist explores photography’s engagement with a wide variety of lively, often quirky obsessions.
The book, which appears in a magazine format, brings together interviews with artists, short anecdotal texts, and in-depth essays.
Aperture Magazine N° 245. Latinx
Aperture Magazine N° 222. Odyssey
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