Constellations From The Station
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Publication date : 2023/03/07
Weight 840 g / Dimensions 21.6 x 28.1 cm / 240 pages
ISBN 9782865891436
Issue 7 of Transbordeur is devoted to the history of photographic manipulation, resulting in hybrid images either composed of several photographs or combining photography with other imaging techniques. Following on from recent work examining the history of photomontage over the long term, from the nineteenth century to today’s digital culture, this issue proposes a parallel history of photography: one in which composition takes precedence over recording. By studying the manipulation of images by graphic artists, illustrators and advertisers, we aim to show how photographic material can be recombined, recomposed and re-arranged. Particular attention will be paid to current vernacular practices of montage on the Internet, as well as to the uses and discourses of the print and visual communication professions.