Miroir des Avant-Gardes
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Publication date : 2012/09/01
Weight 626 g / Dimensions 17.2 x 23.6 cm / 164 pages / french
ISBN 9782363980038
Vies possibles et imaginaires is the story of four Palestinian-Lebanese sisters who have crossed the history of the twentieth century, four strong and colourful women exiled to the four corners of the world (Cairo, Paris, Beirut, New York). It is a story, between documentary and fiction, between biography and theater, which is based on family photographs, sound interviews, on the account of events lived and others fantasized.
It is a rereading of reality tinged with tenderness and humor, an investigation at the heart of which is placed the imagination of each and every one. Far from an objective or historical portrait of Graziella and her sisters, Possible and Imaginary Lives attempts to translate the extravagance of these women, to give their affabulations the same status as the real. In other words, through the articulation of text and archival photographs (manipulated or not), it is not a question of writing the history of these women, but rather of writing in the present, in the most lively way possible, what their myth would be.
Miroir des Avant-Gardes
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