Où sont les hommes ?
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Publication date : 2022/12/01
Weight 130 g / Dimensions 13 x 18 cm / 80 pages
ISBN 9791095233299
In the abandoned villa overlooking the bay of Roquebrune, something remains of its former owner, Albert-Kahn, and the mad enterprise to which he devoted his life: collecting and saving the world’s images. Discovering that this mansion is linked to her earliest memories, Hélène Gaudy sets off to revisit the places of her childhood, weaving a network of correspondences between these vestiges and their inhabitants—between architecture, image and landscape.
Back cover
The image comes just before nightfall. Soon, the shadows of the palm trees will fill the sky. Above the duller zone of the sea, a fiery glow is about to sink. The image stops time, as all images do, but this one seems to fail to freeze it completely. We already know that time will win. The colors will darken and the sea will disappear. We sense the damp freshness of grass and shore, the desire for shelter.
Où sont les hommes ?
La valise noire
Graine Lumière Cuire
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